SICTIC Investor Academy Geneva: Financial Planning and Swiss Company Basics
Exclusive members only workshop from 6 pm to 8 pm, available onsite only, with limited seating for 15 guests. Investors get deep insights into the topic of investing in startups. There’s plenty of opportunity for Q&A and discussions at the workshop. You can get the Swiss Angel Investor Handbook for free at
Speakers: Ralph Mogicato, Board Member of SICTIC
Dr. Bolko Hohaus, Board Member at SICTIC
Topic of Chapter 5: Financial Planning
5.1 Financial Strategy 5.2 Bottom-Up vs. Top-Down Revenue and Profit Planning 5.3 Capital Expenses vs. Operating Expenses 5.4 Financial Plan 5.5 Classic Operative Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 5.6 Sales/Customer-Oriented KPIs 5.7 Financing Need and Balance Sheet KPIs 5.8 Capital Loss and Over-Indebtedness 5.9 Financial Planning TemplateTopic of Chapter 6: Swiss Company Basics
6.1 Registries of Commerce 6.2 Naming and Types of Startup Companies 6.3 Shareholders 6.4 Interplay of Stakeholders 6.5 Board of Directors 6.6 Liquidation 6.7 Gender-Neutral Salaries Location: HCP office, Rue de la Croix d’Or 19a, 2nd floor, 1204 GenevaFormat: physical-workshop/ no recording
This event is for SICTIC Investors only.