Form for Selected Startups

  • Congratulations, you have been selected to one of our Investor Days! Please swiftly complete the form below. If you have any question, please reach out to
  • Company Information

  • If your startup has incorporated already, please provide us with your full registered name.
  • e.g. CHF 750'000
  • e.g. CHF 350'000 or none
  • The one sentence tag-line describes what your startup does in one sentence.
  • Please provide your website URL such as If you don't have a website, please write "n.a."
  • Please provide your LinkedIn Startup Page URL such as If you don't have a LinkedIn page, please write "n.a."
  • Please provide your Facebook Page URL such as If you don't have a Facebook account, please write "n.a.".
  • Please provide us your Twitter handle (i.e. @ICTinvestorclub). If you don't have a twitter account, , please write "n.a.".
  • Attendee 1 Registration

    Enter in this section attendee 1 information. Attendee 1 is pitching at the investor day.
  • Enter here the name of the attendee 1, who will do the pitch at the investor day.
  • Enter here the email of the attendee 1, who will do the pitch at the investor day.
  • Enter here the mobile phone number of the attendee 1, who will do the pitch at the investor day. E.g. +41 79 123 45 67
  • Attendee 2 Registration

    Enter in this section attendee 2 information. If only one person is attending, leave this section empty.
  • Enter here the name of the attendee 2.
  • Enter here the email of the attendee 2.
  • Enter here the mobile phone number of the attendee 2. E.g +41 79 123 45 67