4th Lady Investor Dinner

Nina Portier Reinhart (SICTIC Board Member), Carole Hofmann (WOMENWAY Founder & President) and Alysa Kodisch (100 Women in Finance Chair of the Zürich chapter) have the pleasure to invite women who are business angels or aspiring business angels for a dinner to discuss startup investments and their experience as business angels, as well as future investments.

We welcome all ladies interested in investing, and those attending do not need to be members of neither SICTIC, 100WIF or WomanWay. This is a netowrking event, aimed at creating awareness and also a stronger network for women investing.

The event starts at 18:30 with an Apéro and networking, and continues at 19:00 with the dinner. For those interested, please email Nina Portier Reinhart (nina@sictic.ch), Carole Hofmann (ch@womenway.org) in order to receive a ticket access code to reserve your seat*. (Seats are in limited number. Those who wish to join after the seats have been filled in, will receive priority invitation to our next dinners). This event is by invitation only and guests are kindly requested to cover their own meal.


Restaurant Heugümper, Waaggasse, Zürich, Switzerland
HEUGÜMPER Restaurant -Sitzungszimmer, Waaggasse 4 beim Paradeplatz, 8001 Zurich


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